The world as we know it is about to end. Not in fire and blood but with the coming of the Messiah.
The Miracle Man
(O-Books) by Maggy Whitehouse is a story of a modern-day Messiah who becomes a judge on a hugely popular TV talent show. But would the Messiah really come to Las Vegas rather than Jerusalem? Would he be a wealthy TV megastar? Would he be a Jew, not a Christian?
Every move that Miracle Man, Josh Goldstone, makes is blasted over the internet and makes the headlines in newspapers and on television, as he uses his healing powers to wipe out alcoholism, drug use and gambling – in fact, just about any addiction that is rampant in our culture today.
But Christianity teaches that the Anti-Christ will masquerade as a healer and fundamental Christians are quick to denounce this powerful threat to their faith. Worse, the healing of the nations means that people don’t need Medicare, drugs, alcohol or even wealth. The economy will crash with a pain-free and happy population.
Josh’s next goal is politics; joining forces with the Dalai Lama to inspire a celebrity-led peaceful liberation of Tibet and accomplishing an astonishing ‘about face’ in Chinese policy. Now he has become a threat to the whole world order.

The Miracle Man cleverly follows the chronology of the four Gospels of the New Testament, portraying every main character, with a modern name, and all the miracles in a present-day setting. Now the greatest story ever told is updated for a media-driven, celebrity-obsessed secular world.

Maggy's non-fiction books

Maggy’s Amazon Author Page 


Total Kabbalah  

A highly accessible guide to the practice of Kabbalah, the once-hidden tradition of Jewish mysticism. Total Kabbalah systematically describes each school of kabbalistic thought, including Jewish, Christian, Magical, Toledano, Lurianic, and Hasidic varieties. Straightforward text and easy-to-read diagrams, charts, and bulleted lists outline the facts, traditions, legends, and formulae behind each doctrine—and also address the rumors and misunderstandings that surround this mystical practice. From divine principles and guidance on reading the Bible to practical techniques for prayer and meditation, Total Kabbalah makes it easy to draw on this ancient wisdom today.

The Complete Illustrated History of Kabbalah  

Kabbalah is an esoteric form of Jewish mysticism that attempts to understand and explain mystical insights in the Hebrew bible. These teachings are believed to hold the key to understanding the nature of divinity and the world itself. This beautifully presented book provides a clear and intelligent exploration of Kabbalah, unlocking this complex and fascinating subject.  

The book opens with an overview of Kabbalah as a structure for understanding God, the Universe and daily life. A full analysis is made of the Kabbalistic interpretation of The Creation, and the concept of the divine being of light, Adam Kadmon, is introduced.

The book continues with a fascinating exploration of the Kabbalalistic reading of the bible story and goes on to review the interpretation of texts from the Old and New Testament, before considering Kabbalah's history and development, with focus on many of the great Kabbalists. Readers will learn about the spread of Kabbalah and its relationship with history, other religions and science.

The book clearly describes the practise of Kabbalah, starting with the basic principles and drawing the Tree of Life. All aspects of Kabbalah are covered, and beautifully illustrated, including the Three Pillars, Jacob's Ladder, the Divine, Spiritual and Pychological and Physical World and the feast days.

Finally, there is a full and detailed discussion of Kabbalah in the modern world; essential to understanding and practicing this rich tradition. Kabbalah's controversial links to Judaism, hermeticism, Tarot, magic, alchemy, freemasonary, occultism are all examined, as is Toledano Kabbalah and the Kabbalah Centre, where high profile figures including Madonna have become followers.

Living Kabbalah  

Kabbalah is a guide for everyday living - a 'road map' to self-knowledge and finding your place in the universe. This practical and accessible book demystifies this ancient system and shows how you can use Kabbalah's powerful techniques to achieve self-knowledge and experience spiritual and personal growth. Develop an ability to see your own strengths and weaknesses, learn how to practise free will, use simple meditation techniques to improve your life, understand and obtain real prosperity, and discover how to be true to yourself.

Kabbalah Made Easy (to be published in 2011 by O Books)

The Secret History of Opus Dei  

Opus Dei is perhaps one of the most controversial religious organisations of our time. For many years there was little information about its history and development. More recently attempts have been made to make its structure and organisation are now much more transparent. For some, however, the organisation is seen as a powerful and shadowy institution with wealth, influence and many dark secrets. This revealing book aims to find out the truth behind the myths and the speculation, and examines the faces and personalities behind its institution.

The book begins by explaining the beliefs of the Catholic Church and the Opus Dei's relationship with the Vatican and the Pope. It shows how the members of the Opus Dei aim to adhere to the teachings of the Church by following a daily plan made up of spiritual practices such as Mass, reciting the rosary, spiritual reading and prayer. To the most committed, this includes a vow of celibacy, a life of penance and the practice of bodily denial, sacrifice and self-mortification.

The book then sets out to discover the practices, ideology, goals and structure of the organisation and to uncover its roots. It shows how the Opus Dei sees itself as commmitted to creating a deeper spirituality in our world today and its positive involvement in charity work. It explores the areas where the organisation has been criticized - for its fundamentalism, religious intolerance, conservatism, anti-feminism and recruitment methods - but also discusses how the organisation is moving forward and looking to the future. This penetrating book presents a global perspective of the Opus Dei that considers the organisation's influence on a worldwide scale and reveals the truth behind this powerful institution. Beautifully illustrated with over 200 stunning images, it is essential reading for all seekers of truth.

The Marriage of Jesus  

The conspiracy theories - The Da Vinci Code and Holy Blood and the Holy Grail claim that Jesus married Mary Magdalene. The Church says he was a celibate all his life. So who is right?

In this knowledgeable and accessible book, Bible metaphysician, theologian and author, Maggy Whitehouse, puts forward a ground-breaking new theory - that just like any other Jew of the times, Jesus married at the age of 14. So what happened to Jesus' wife, this most forgotten of women? The author examines the legends, social and economic laws on marriage of the time and the origins of the unsupported legends of Jesus' celibacy and his marriage to Mary Magdalene.

From Credit Crunch to Pure Prosperity  

For several years, nearly every news bulletin has spoken of Credit Crunch and recession. What if you didn’t have to experience either? If you use the spiritual laws of prosperity, you don’t.

This book offers simple, practical advice and techniques on how to turn around your mind-set so that outside conditions can no longer affect you. It is humorous, wise and consistent, makes no fake promises and delivers what it promises. If you do the work suggested, your life will become happier and more prosperous.

 Maggy’s own life-experience includes widowhood and divorce, out-facing an eight-foot barracuda, riding on the back of a Bengal Tiger; being made redundant, surviving the Dotcom crash, emigrating twice in one year and bringing the first dog to the UK from the USA on Passports for Pets before it was technically possible to do so.

The Little Book of Prosperity

The Spiritual Laws of Prosperity 

China by Rail 
(co-written with her father Patrick Whitehouse)


Frankly My Dear