The world as we know it is about to end. Not in fire and blood but with the coming of the Messiah.
The Miracle Man
(O-Books) by Maggy Whitehouse is a story of a modern-day Messiah who becomes a judge on a hugely popular TV talent show. But would the Messiah really come to Las Vegas rather than Jerusalem? Would he be a wealthy TV megastar? Would he be a Jew, not a Christian?
Every move that Miracle Man, Josh Goldstone, makes is blasted over the internet and makes the headlines in newspapers and on television, as he uses his healing powers to wipe out alcoholism, drug use and gambling – in fact, just about any addiction that is rampant in our culture today.
But Christianity teaches that the Anti-Christ will masquerade as a healer and fundamental Christians are quick to denounce this powerful threat to their faith. Worse, the healing of the nations means that people don’t need Medicare, drugs, alcohol or even wealth. The economy will crash with a pain-free and happy population.
Josh’s next goal is politics; joining forces with the Dalai Lama to inspire a celebrity-led peaceful liberation of Tibet and accomplishing an astonishing ‘about face’ in Chinese policy. Now he has become a threat to the whole world order.

The Miracle Man cleverly follows the chronology of the four Gospels of the New Testament, portraying every main character, with a modern name, and all the miracles in a present-day setting. Now the greatest story ever told is updated for a media-driven, celebrity-obsessed secular world.


From Russ King on

Just imagine if we had another Jesus and that he happened to be a panelist on a talent show just like Simon Cowell? Imagining Simon Cowell as a force for good is tricky in itself but it makes for a good hook to get your attention.

The miracle man is a modern update of the four gospels of the New Testament set in modern times and is full of miracles, healing, love, forgiveness and greed. The true skill of the book is that it grabs the attention of the non-believer as well as the religious, and each and every reader will find some controversial topic that will make them think twice.

It features all the main religions plus the law of attraction and Whitehouse doesn’t pull her punches ... We have glimpses of the Middle East conflict and there is an audacious attempt at the peaceful resolution of the Chinese invasion of Tibet including the Dalai Lama and numerous celebrities … As an atheist, this book has not made me want to find religion, but it has made me more motivated to help other people when I can, even if no-one helps me in return. If other people feel this way then this book is a huge accomplishment.

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Review by

What if Jesus arrived on earth today and he was a judge on a talent show similar to American Idol? … The book is called The Miracle Man and it begins with a couple who get in a car accident. The wife is killed instantly but the husband somehow survives and gets this Christ-complex. He can heal people and he actually follows the actions of Jesus.

He doesn't claim to be Jesus, he doesn't claim to be divine; he just feels a special connection to The Source (his way of referring to God). He feels called to a special calling … I felt like I was reading a book Oprah would love to promote and with how the television show Lost ended, I felt like this book connects with the current postmodern feel for religion.

Christians will find this book ultra-controversial.

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